L.E.A.D. Project

Leaders Empowering Authentic Disciples | "...follow my example as I follow the example of Christ" -1 Corinthians 11.1

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

[In the following post, Mark comments on the new book, "Worship: A Way of Life" by Patrick Kavanaugh. This book expands on some of the key concepts related to the L.E.A.D. Project]

"Jesus gave the commandments in order for a reason. It is because the first must be first. It is no good trying to keep the second commandment until we have kept the first."

Patrick Kavanaugh is referring to the way Jesus ordered the commandments, which we find in Matthew 22:37-39. He is right to note the obvious, that the first must be first, an observation which is helpful because so many of us do not make the first thing, our first priority. It is also no good trying to find meaning in what we do or who we are unless we have put love of God first. Without that in place, everything else is vapor.
